Opinion: Steps to Address Trump

In the era of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and the 2008 financial crisis, many Americans, like myself, were confronted with a harsh reality. The narrative of voting in the right heroes to save us from corruption falls short when the elected officials themselves partake in enriching themselves and their donor class. This cycle of self-serving behavior has eroded public confidence, dividing our nation and paving the way for figures like Trump.

The unchecked corruption and economic disenfranchisement felt by many in society today have been brewing for decades. The current administration’s blatant disregard for constitutional limits is not a sudden development but a culmination of a long-standing process facilitated by preceding leaders and legislators. The systematic collusion between political figures and powerful moneyed interests has created an environment where insider trading, conflicts of interest, and revolving doors between public and private sectors are the norm.

President Trump’s tendency to push for the privatization of state assets and services to favor wealthy individuals and corporations is not a new phenomenon. This practice of using the state to amass wealth, coupled with tactics such as job outsourcing, tax avoidance, and subsidy acquisition, has fostered a culture of corporate greed and exploitation. The rise of leaders who perpetuate these practices, like Trump, is a testament to the entrenched nature of corporate fascism in our society.

Even if Trump were removed from office, the underlying issues that fuel corruption and inequality would persist. The cycle of grifters feeding on despair and stoking division among marginalized communities will continue unless we address the root causes of economic disparity. By improving economic conditions for all members of society, we can prevent the erosion of our communities and shift away from the extremism that threatens to consume us.

It is crucial for citizens to hold their elected officials accountable and actively engage in the political process. By organizing, finding common ground with neighbors, and voting based on conscience, individuals can reclaim agency over the direction of our society. Passive disengagement only serves to empower authoritarian figures and perpetuate corruption at the expense of civil liberties.

Ultimately, the responsibility falls on each individual to be the change they wish to see in society. By taking action, staying informed, and advocating for transparency and accountability, we can work towards a future where integrity and fairness prevail over self-serving interests. Let us not relinquish our agency to those who seek to exploit it but instead stand together to uphold the values of democracy and equality.