Duke Energy CEO Lynn Good’s compensation package on the rise

Duke (NYSE: DUK) disclosed in its SEC filing that the total compensation for its median employee was $129,126 in 2024. This reveals the CEO’s pay ratio compared to the median employee’s compensation within the company. The median employee’s earnings reflect a typical income level within Duke, indicating the company’s compensation structure and distribution of wages.

The CEO-to-median employee pay ratio at Duke provides insights into the company’s internal pay equity and executive compensation practices. By revealing this information, Duke allows stakeholders to assess the fairness and alignment of pay levels within the organization. The disclosed median employee compensation serves as a point of reference for evaluating the CEO’s earnings in relation to the broader workforce.

Executive pay ratios have drawn attention in recent years as a measure of income inequality and corporate governance. Companies are facing increasing scrutiny over their compensation practices, with investors, employees, and the public seeking transparency and fairness in pay structures. By disclosing the CEO-to-median employee pay ratio, Duke demonstrates a commitment to transparency and accountability regarding its executive compensation decisions.

Analyzing the pay ratio can also provide insights into the company’s approach to talent management, employee development, and reward systems. Understanding how CEO pay compares to the median employee’s compensation can shed light on the company’s priorities, values, and management philosophy. It can indicate whether Duke’s executive compensation is aligned with the company’s performance, culture, and long-term sustainability.

The disclosure of the CEO-to-median employee pay ratio is part of a broader trend towards increased transparency and accountability in corporate governance. Shareholders and stakeholders are increasingly focused on issues of executive compensation, income inequality, and social responsibility. Companies like Duke are responding to these demands by providing more information on their pay practices and distribution of wages.

Overall, the CEO-to-median employee pay ratio disclosed by Duke offers valuable insights into the company’s compensation structure, internal equity, and executive pay practices. It allows stakeholders to assess the fairness, transparency, and alignment of Duke’s pay levels within the organization. By disclosing this information, Duke demonstrates a commitment to accountability, transparency, and responsible corporate governance.