Park Record: Federal protection boosts conservation efforts in national parks

Don’t we want experts doing the work? The Consumer Finance Protection Bureau attacks predatory lending, excessive overdraft fees, and other abuses of your pocketbook.USDA inspectors check the safety and sanitation of slaughterhouses and meat packing plants, so we don’t revert back to the days of Upton Sinclair’s “The Jungle.” Scientists and technical experts at the Environmental Protection Agency regulate the safety of the air we breathe and the water we drink, so we don’t get to Rachel Carson’s “Silent Spring.” Federal Aviation Administration air traffic controllers, inspectors, and engineers ensure planes take off, fly and land safely. TSA checkpoints ensure planes are not hijacked or blown up by terrorists.

As a former government regulation and consumer protection instructor, I understand the crucial role of these agencies. Ensuring safety for all consumers relies on a skilled and trained staff of experts who protect us on a daily basis. If key federal workers are removed, we all face the consequences. National Parks may become dirty, dangerous, and lacking in personnel. Airline travel could present more risks. The safety of our food, medication, and financial institutions will be compromised.

Rather than dismissing thousands of vital federal workers, we should focus on removing individuals who jeopardize our safety and security by undermining the experts we depend on. Instead of believing in a fictitious “Deep State,” we must appreciate the talented and dedicated professionals who serve us diligently. They deserve our gratitude for their unwavering commitment to keeping America safe and secure.

Gene DeSantisKamas