124,300 job opportunities available in the fourth quarter of 2024

In the final quarter of 2024, the labor market in Sweden saw a total of 124,300 job openings, with 95,900 of them being advertised positions and 28,400 openings where employers utilized alternative recruitment methods. Out of these job openings, 87,000 were seeking immediate fulfillment while 108,200 were considered as vacancies, excluding substitutes. The business sector accounted for 98,400 of these job openings, while public administration had 22,500 openings, with 6,200 in central government, 6,700 in municipalities, and 9,600 in county councils.

To provide comprehensive insights into job openings and recruitment needs, Statistics Sweden and the Swedish Public Employment Service collaborated to create a new survey. This survey, known as Job Openings and Recruitment Needs, aims to report on statistics related to job openings, recruitment challenges, and skills requirements for various occupations. By analyzing this data, economists can better understand the economy, make informed forecasts, and contribute to the broader European Labor Market Business statistics.

The fourth quarter of 2024 marks the third reporting period of this new survey, focusing solely on job openings. Data concerning recruitment needs for the third quarter of 2024 will be unveiled on March 31st. It is crucial to note that there are significant differences between the Job Openings and Recruitment Needs survey and its predecessor, Job Openings and Unmet Labor Demand. As such, caution should be exercised when comparing data over time, and annual change estimations will not be provided currently.

Initial seasonally adjusted figures are available for the total number of job openings, presented alongside the unadjusted time series within the same table. Given that the statistics are derived from a sample survey, there may be some inherent selection bias. As a result, the margin of error for each statistical value is also disclosed to provide a more accurate representation of the data.

Looking ahead, the next publication from Statistics Sweden regarding job openings and recruitment needs is scheduled for March 31st at 8:00. By utilizing the insights provided in this statistical news, researchers, policymakers, and businesses can gain a deeper understanding of labor market trends and make informed decisions to support economic growth and stability.