Company’s silly questionnaire advises employees against befriending coworkers at…

the C-Suite rarely faces real consequences and it’s almost always the working folks that get pinned for this. It’s bull****, but legally, they’re correct and it would be better for the individual worker to know this and protect themselves in these specific scenarios. That is until the oligarchy is toppled, and we can all reap the rewards of our collective labor.”Image Source: Reddit | u/Survive1014Image Source: Reddit | u/PsychoBrainsu/electrical_deer125 commented, “We are a family! Until someone quits, then they’re dead to us like when people leave a cult.” u/Pantone802 remarked, “I had a former client try to pull this on me when the original owner and my longtime friend left the company. I laughed right in their face and told them I looked forward to them trying to enforce that. Last I ever heard about it.” u/Author-Brite added, “Wow… these people really trying to say you have to stop being friends with others once you stop working with them.”