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In programming, message queuing is a system where messages are stored in a queue until they can be processed by the recipient. This method ensures that messages are not lost and can be processed at the recipient’s pace. The following code snippet demonstrates a simple implementation of message queuing using JavaScript.

The code snippet starts by declaring two variables, `messageQueue` and `isDisplayingMessage`. The `messageQueue` array stores messages waiting to be displayed, while `isDisplayingMessage` keeps track of whether a message is currently being displayed.

The `showNextMessage` function processes the messages in the queue. If there are no messages in the queue, it updates `isDisplayingMessage` to `false` and returns. Otherwise, it retrieves the next message and its duration from the queue, creates a message container element, appends it to the document body, and displays the message with a fade-in effect. It then sets a timer to hide the message after the specified duration. If there are more messages in the queue, it continues to the next message; otherwise, it fades out the last message before removing it from the document body.

The `showMessage` function adds a new message to the queue and starts displaying the messages if no message is currently being displayed.

The styling for the message container dictates its appearance on the page. The `message-container` class positions the container fixed at the bottom center of the viewport, with background color, text color, padding, border radius, and opacity properties. The container transitions to opacity 0.3 seconds with ease-in-out timing for a smooth visual effect.

Additionally, the code includes functions for generic cookies and handling user data. It utilizes a hash generator to convert user email information into a SHA-256 hash for storage. When a user logs in using the Piano subscription service, the code sets cookies based on their subscription level. The user type is then assigned accordingly. These functions ensure that user data is securely stored and managed based on their Piano subscription status.

Overall, the provided code snippet showcases a functional implementation of message queuing and cookie handling in JavaScript, highlighting the importance of managing messages and user data effectively within web applications.

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