Leafly to be Delisted from Nasdaq and Transition to Over-The-Counter Trading

The content provided is centered around forward-looking statements in accordance with the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Companies often use these statements to communicate anticipated future outcomes or trends based on current information and expectations. It’s important for investors and stakeholders to understand that these statements are not guarantees of actual results and come with inherent risks and uncertainties.

Forward-looking statements can include projections related to financial performance, strategic initiatives, market conditions, and industry trends. While they provide insight into a company’s outlook and potential opportunities, they are subject to change based on various factors that may impact the business environment. Factors such as economic conditions, competitive pressures, regulatory changes, and technological advancements can all influence the accuracy of these statements.

It’s crucial for investors to exercise caution when relying on forward-looking statements and consider them as predictions rather than certainties. Companies are not able to control every variable that could affect their future performance, and unexpected events or developments can quickly alter the projected outcomes. Stakeholders should conduct thorough research and due diligence to gain a comprehensive understanding of a company’s operations, risks, and competitive position before making investment decisions.

Regulatory bodies like the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) closely monitor how companies communicate and disclose forward-looking information to ensure transparency and accountability. Companies must follow specific guidelines and standards when sharing these statements to prevent misleading or inaccurate representations that could potentially deceive investors. Compliance with regulatory requirements helps maintain trust and credibility in the financial markets.

Investors should pay close attention to the context and assumptions underlying forward-looking statements to evaluate the credibility and reliability of the information provided. Understanding the methodologies, data sources, and risk factors considered by a company can help assess the likelihood of achieving the projected outcomes. It’s essential to look beyond the optimistic projections and consider the potential challenges and uncertainties that may impact the company’s ability to meet its targets.

In conclusion, forward-looking statements play a valuable role in providing insight into a company’s future prospects and aspirations. However, investors must approach these statements with caution and skepticism, recognizing the inherent uncertainties and risks involved. Conducting thorough research, analyzing key factors, and maintaining a critical mindset can help investors make informed decisions based on a comprehensive understanding of a company’s operations and potential.