Opting Out of Class Actions: Key Considerations for Plaintiffs and Defendants


Brendan Rudolph from Cornerstone Research will be part of a webinar that focuses on opting out of securities, antitrust, and other business practices class actions. The panelists will dive into the important considerations for plaintiffs deciding whether to stick with the class or pursue individual claims. They’ll also talk about how the potential for opt-outs can impact settlement talks, and recent legal decisions that highlight the risks of not opting out correctly.

During the webinar, they’ll cover varying topics. For example, they will discuss the significance of opt-outs and objections in class action lawsuits, how often class members choose to opt-out in specific cases, and the dynamic between opt-out plaintiffs and objectors.

This webinar is being hosted by Strafford and offers CLE credit. If you want more details, head over to the event’s website.

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