Market Beef Attends Record-Breaking Weigh-In at Morning Ag Clips
This past Sunday, on December 15th, the Delaware County Market Beef Weigh-In took place at NFO Livestock in Manchester. It was an exciting event where 4-H and FFA members gathered to showcase their animals and prepare them for the 2025 Delaware County Fair and Iowa State Fair. This year, we saw a record-breaking total of 376 market beef animals being weighed in, including 322 Delaware County animals and 54 out-of-county animals. It was inspiring to see so many families from different counties coming together for this event.
The participation numbers from our beef exhibitors in Delaware County remain high, showcasing the dedication and passion of our youth. A total of 97 4-H and FFA members are exhibiting market beef this year, with 13 newcomers to the project area. Additionally, 46 Pens of 3 were weighed in, and 18 animals were identified for the State Fair.
Our 4-H and FFA programs provide valuable opportunities for our youth to learn and grow through their work with market beef animals, breeding beef, and cow-calf projects. We want to extend a big thank you to all the exhibitors, parents, and volunteers who helped make the weigh-in event a success, especially the Delaware County Cattlemen and NFO Livestock. It truly takes a village to coordinate an event of this scale.
For all 4-H members who participated in the beef weigh-in, don’t forget to enter all your information in 4honline by February 1, 2025. If you need any assistance, feel free to reach out to the Extension Office at 563-927-4201. We’re here to support you every step of the way. Cheers to a successful weigh-in and best of luck to all the exhibitors at the upcoming fairs!