Data Protection in M&A Transactions: Key Considerations

ery compliance box. As part of the M&A process, acquirers should have an integration plan in place to address any gaps in data protection compliance. This may involve conducting a risk assessment of the target’s data processing activities and implementing necessary security measures to protect the acquired data. Acquirers should also consider training employees on data protection practices and ensuring that the target’s privacy policies align with the acquirer’s data protection objectives.

In conclusion, the landscape of M&A transactions is evolving, and data protection considerations are becoming increasingly important. Companies engaging in M&A deals must prioritize data protection diligence to mitigate regulatory risks, assess the target’s risk profile, pay attention to enforcement trends, evaluate international implications, and have a robust integration plan in place. By addressing these key data protection considerations, companies can navigate the complexities of the M&A landscape and ensure the protection of personal data in today’s data-driven world.