Schools in Merging Trusts: Providing an Opt-Out Option for Parents

In my small school, we’re currently debating where to have our Christmas dinner–at Bethnal Green or Woodford. The decision about whether or not to join a trust has not been on anyone’s mind lately.

Following the recent election, the Labour education team has been making bold moves, cutting back on Tory initiatives such as the National Tutoring Programme and the National Citizens Service. This shift is prompting government officials to reevaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the current education system.

The era of aggressive academisation tactics seems to be winding down, with regional improvement teams refocusing their efforts away from coercing schools to join MATs. Grants for academy conversions and trust capacities are being eliminated, and the government is open to the idea of allowing councils to establish new schools and bringing academies back under maintained status.

Despite these changes, it’s become apparent that simply joining an academy or MAT doesn’t guarantee academic success. While these institutions are still vital components of our educational system, maintained schools are beginning to assert their voices more strongly.

The establishment of a Maintained Schools Collective is providing these schools with an opportunity to advocate for their unique needs. Maintained schools are showcasing how, with autonomy, they can innovate and make a positive impact, demonstrating that there are alternative pathways to school improvement beyond becoming part of a “strong” MAT.

As we navigate this shifting landscape, one potential solution that has emerged is the idea of a parental referendum. Given the decline in schools considering conversion, a flawed inspection system, and concerns about trust-level spending, we may see an uptick in trust mergers and acquisitions.

While this consolidation might make sense at the trust level, it can present challenges for individual schools. Just as in the business world, where a small company can get absorbed into a larger enterprise, schools merging with bigger trusts may find themselves in unfamiliar territory.

If there is a push to allow schools to return to council oversight, measures should be put in place to ensure that schools have a say in their future. A simple solution could be to offer schools in merging trusts an “exit clause” at the time of merger, allowing them to explore other options such as joining a different trust, becoming a stand-alone academy, or reverting to maintained status.

While the logistics of implementing such a policy may be complex, it’s crucial to empower schools to make informed decisions about their affiliations. By offering schools the opportunity to reconsider their trust arrangements, we can ensure that they are aligned with the best possible partners for their unique needs.