Woman Calls Out Birth Control Risk for Money: Filing Claims incentivizes for at-risk individuals


Marlena recently shared some concerning information on TikTok about a birth control shot called Depo-Provera that is currently involved in a class-action lawsuit. She mentioned that she had been on the shot for two years and experienced consistent headaches, prompting her to consider filing a claim for being at risk.

Depo-Provera is a birth control shot that many women take every few months. Marlena’s warning has sparked a conversation on TikTok, with viewers sharing their thoughts on the situation.

It’s crucial to take such health concerns seriously and consider talking to your doctor if you have any worries about the medications you are taking. If you found this story intriguing, you might also be interested in a video about a mom who uncovered an inappropriate healthcare questionnaire her daughter received at school.

Remember to prioritize your health and well-being, and consult with medical professionals if you have any doubts or concerns about your medications.

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