Shen Yun Facing Lawsuit for Forced Labor and Child Exploitation


claims violations of the New York Labor Law (“NYLL”) on behalf of dancers, musicians, emcees, and set designers who performed in New York.

Shen Yun, a well-known Chinese classical dance and music company founded in 2006, is facing serious allegations of exploiting forced labor and child labor. A class-action lawsuit filed by Berger Montague and Farra & Wang accuses Shen Yun and its affiliates of violating labor laws and coercing dancers to work under threats of harm.

The primary plaintiff in the case, Chun-Ko Chang, performed with Shen Yun from the ages of 13 to 24 and claims that the organization exercised strict control and coercion over its dancers. Ms. Chang herself spoke out about her experience, highlighting the harsh treatment and consequences she faced for disobedience during her time with Shen Yun.

The lawsuit alleges that Shen Yun controls all aspects of its dancers’ lives, including their daily schedules, personal relationships, eating habits, and even their access to the internet. Shockingly, the organization is accused of coercing children as young as 12 into their forced labor scheme, exploiting their vulnerability for compliance.

Legal experts at Berger Montague emphasized that the Shen Yun Defendants maintain absolute control over their dancers, targeting children who are easier to coerce. The lawsuit cites violations of the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act and the New York Labor Law on behalf of those who performed at Shen Yun productions.

Shen Yun’s goal of reviving traditional Chinese culture through classical dance and music performances is now overshadowed by these serious allegations of exploitation and abuse. The legal action taken against the organization aims to seek justice for those affected and prevent further harm in the future.

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