First Trust Exchange-Traded Fund VIII (0001667919) Files Form 497K with the SEC
In a recent SEC filing, First Trust Exchange-Traded Fund VIII (Filer) submitted a Form 497K. This filing is significant as it provides information about the fund’s performance, holdings, and fees. Investors and analysts often look to these filings to gain insights into the fund’s strategy and to make informed decisions about their investments.
First Trust Exchange-Traded Fund VIII is a company that offers a variety of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) to investors. ETFs are investment funds that are traded on stock exchanges, much like stocks. These funds typically hold assets such as stocks, commodities, or bonds and provide investors with diversified exposure to various markets. For more information about First Trust Exchange-Traded Fund VIII and its offerings, you can visit their website here.
Form 497K is a type of SEC filing that is required to be submitted by open-end investment companies, such as mutual funds or ETFs, to disclose performance and portfolio information to shareholders. This form provides transparency and allows investors to make informed decisions about their investments based on the fund’s performance and holdings.
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First Trust Exchange-Traded Fund VIII (0001667919) Files Form 497K with the SEC