Yuann Kevin (0001889453) Reports Form 144 Filing: An Update on Securities Transactions
In a recent SEC filing, Yuann Kevin, identified by the unique identifier 0001889453, has submitted a Form 144. Form 144 is filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) when insiders of a company, or affiliates, are planning to sell restricted stock. This filing provides transparency to investors about potential insider selling activities.
Yuann Kevin, the individual mentioned in the filing, may be a key insider or affiliate of a company looking to sell restricted stock. While further details about the specific company or transaction are not provided in the filing, investors and market analysts may keep an eye on any developments related to this Form 144 submission for potential impacts on the company’s stock price or overall market sentiment.
For more information on Yuann Kevin and the company associated with this filing, please visit the SEC’s website or search for the company’s official website for additional details.
Read More:
Yuann Kevin (0001889453) Submits Form 144 Filing for Reporting Purposes