First Trust Exchange-Traded Fund VIII (0001667919) Files Form 497 with the SEC


In a recent SEC filing, First Trust Exchange-Traded Fund VIII (0001667919) disclosed important information that investors should take note of. The filing, known as a Form 497, is typically used by mutual funds to provide shareholders with updated information on the fund’s performance, fees, and other key details. Investors in First Trust Exchange-Traded Fund VIII should review this filing to stay informed about any changes that may impact their investment.

First Trust Exchange-Traded Fund VIII is a company that offers exchange-traded funds to investors. These funds provide a way for investors to diversify their portfolios and gain exposure to a wide range of assets. Investors interested in learning more about First Trust Exchange-Traded Fund VIII can visit their website [insert link here] for additional information about the company and the investment products they offer.

Form 497 is a type of SEC filing that is used by mutual funds to disclose important information to shareholders. This form provides details about the fund’s performance, fees, and other key information that investors need to make informed decisions about their investments. Investors in First Trust Exchange-Traded Fund VIII should carefully review this filing to ensure they are up to date on the latest developments related to their investment.

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First Trust Exchange-Traded Fund VIII (0001667919) Files Form 497 with SEC

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