PE Berk XI Offshore Feeder Fund SCSP SICAV-RAIF Files Form D/A with the SEC (0002028271)

The recent SEC filing by PE Berk XI Offshore Feeder Fund SCSP SICAV-RAIF (0002028271) indicates a significant development for the company. The Form D/A filing suggests that the company is amending its previously filed Form D, which is typically done to update or correct information provided in the original filing. This could be related to changes in the company’s offering or other relevant details that need to be revised for compliance purposes. Investors and stakeholders may want to review the amended filing to stay informed about any modifications to the company’s investment activities.

PE Berk XI Offshore Feeder Fund SCSP SICAV-RAIF is an entity that operates as a feeder fund, channeling investments into a master fund for further investment purposes. Feeder funds are commonly used in the hedge fund industry to pool capital from investors and invest in the master fund, which then makes diversified investments on behalf of the feeder fund. Investors looking to diversify their portfolios or gain exposure to a broader range of investment opportunities may consider feeder funds like PE Berk XI Offshore Feeder Fund SCSP SICAV-RAIF. More information about the company can be found on their website.

Form D/A is a type of filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that is used by companies to amend their previously submitted Form D. Form D is a notice that companies must file with the SEC when they sell securities without registering the offering with the SEC. Amending the Form D through a Form D/A allows companies to update or correct information provided in the original filing. This ensures that investors and regulatory authorities have access to accurate and up-to-date information about the company’s securities offerings.

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PE Berk XI Offshore Feeder Fund SCSP SICAV-RAIF Files Form D/A with the SEC (0002028271)