Indoor Harvest Corp Submits 10-K/A SEC Filing (0001572565) as Filer
Indoor Harvest Corp (0001572565) recently submitted a 10-K/A form to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), indicating a significant event or change that occurred after the initial 10-K filing. This amended filing is crucial as it provides updated information to investors and stakeholders, ensuring transparency and compliance with regulatory requirements. Investors should pay attention to the details of this filing to stay informed about any material changes within the company.
Indoor Harvest Corp is a company that focuses on technology development in the cannabis industry, particularly in the design and development of aeroponic equipment for use in indoor farming. The company’s innovative solutions aim to optimize plant growth and maximize production efficiency. For more information about Indoor Harvest Corp, please visit their website at
The 10-K/A form is a comprehensive annual report filed by companies with the SEC, providing a detailed overview of the company’s financial performance and operations. This form includes information such as financial statements, risk factors, management discussion and analysis, and other relevant data that investors and regulators use to assess the company’s health and prospects. Investors should carefully review the 10-K/A filing to make informed decisions about their investments in Indoor Harvest Corp.
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Indoor Harvest Corp Files Amended 10-K Form with SEC