SEC Filing Alert: McMillan Cary D (0001224829) Reports 144 Form Filing
In a recent SEC filing, McMillan Cary D (CIK: 0001224829) reported a Form 144. Form 144 is filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) when insiders of a company, such as directors or executives, plan to sell restricted securities. These securities are acquired through private placements or other means not involving a public offering. The filing of Form 144 provides transparency to the public about the intentions of insiders to sell their shares and helps prevent insider trading.
McMillan Cary D is likely an insider of a company who holds restricted securities and is planning to sell them. Without more specific details, it is challenging to determine the exact company or securities involved in this filing. Investors and market analysts may monitor Form 144 filings to gauge insider sentiment and potential future stock price movements based on insider actions.
For more information on McMillan Cary D or to track the developments related to this Form 144 filing, please visit the company’s website.
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SEC Filing Alert: McMillan Cary D (0001224829) Reports 144 Form Filing