Capstone First Responder, LP Files D/A Form with SEC (0001983545)
Capstone First Responder, LP (0001983545) has filed a Form D/A with the Securities and Exchange Commission, indicating a significant development for the company. Form D is a document that must be filed with the SEC by companies that have recently sold securities in a private placement offering under Regulation D. The filing provides details about the offering, such as the amount of securities sold and the investors involved.
Capstone First Responder, LP is a company that focuses on providing first responder training and services. With this recent filing, the company is likely raising capital through a private placement offering to support its operations and expansion plans. Investors and stakeholders in the first responder industry should take note of this filing as it may indicate potential growth and new opportunities for Capstone First Responder, LP.
For more information about Capstone First Responder, LP and its services, please visit their website here.
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Capstone First Responder, LP Submits D/A Filing to SEC (0001983545) – Latest Update