LightStance LLC (0001782840) Files Form D/A with the SEC, Updating Filing Status
In a recent Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filing, LightStance LLC (Filer ID: 0001782840) submitted a Form D/A. This filing is significant as it indicates a change or an amendment to a previously filed Form D, which is a notice of exempt offering of securities. Form D is required to be filed with the SEC by companies that have sold securities without registration under the Securities Act of 1933 in reliance on an exemption provided by Regulation D or Section 4(a)(5) of the Securities Act.
LightStance LLC is a company that focuses on [brief overview of the company’s main activities or industry]. For more information about LightStance LLC, you can visit their website [insert HTML link to the company’s website].
Form D/A filings are important as they provide investors and the public with updated information about exempt offerings of securities by companies. These filings can include changes to the offering amount, investors, or other material information related to the exempt offering. It is essential for investors to review these filings to stay informed about any developments or changes that may impact their investment decisions.
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LightStance LLC (0001782840) Files Form D/A with the SEC