SWK Holdings Corp (0001089907) SEC Filing Alert: Key Updates Revealed
SWK Holdings Corp (0001089907) submitted a Form 4 filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on [date]. The significance of this filing lies in the fact that Form 4 is required to be filed with the SEC whenever there are changes in the holdings of company insiders, such as directors and officers, or major shareholders. This provides transparency to investors and helps prevent insider trading.
SWK Holdings Corp is a holding company that focuses on the healthcare sector, specifically investing in specialty finance and life science companies. Their portfolio includes investments in various healthcare companies, making them a key player in the industry. For more information about SWK Holdings Corp, you can visit their website here.
Form 4 is a document filed with the SEC to disclose changes in insider ownership of a company’s stock. It includes information about the insider, the type of security, the date of the transaction, and the nature of the ownership change. This filing is crucial for maintaining transparency and ensuring that investors have access to relevant information about insider trading activities.
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SWK Holdings Corp Submits SEC Filing – Issuer 0001089907 – Latest News