Extra Space Storage Inc. Files Form 11-K with SEC


Extra Space Storage Inc. (0001289490) recently filed a Form 11-K with the Securities and Exchange Commission, a significant event that provides insight into the company’s employee benefit plans. This filing offers investors and stakeholders a closer look at how Extra Space Storage Inc. is managing its retirement and savings programs for employees, including details on contributions, investments, and other key aspects of the plans.

Extra Space Storage Inc. is a leading real estate investment trust that specializes in self-storage units. With over 1,900 facilities across the United States, the company is known for its commitment to providing convenient and secure storage solutions for individuals and businesses. For more information about Extra Space Storage Inc., please visit their website at https://www.extraspace.com/.

Form 11-K is a required annual filing for companies that offer employee benefit plans such as retirement and savings accounts. This form provides detailed information about the financial health and management of these plans, ensuring transparency and accountability to plan participants and regulatory authorities. By submitting Form 11-K, Extra Space Storage Inc. demonstrates its dedication to upholding best practices in managing employee benefit programs.

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Extra Space Storage Inc. Submits 11-K SEC Filing (0001289490)

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