Davis Fundamental ETF Trust (0001670310) Files NPORT-P Form with SEC
In a recent SEC filing, the Davis Fundamental ETF Trust (0001670310) submitted Form NPORT-P, indicating important changes or updates within the company’s investment portfolio. Form NPORT-P is a mandatory filing required by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for registered investment companies to disclose their complete portfolio holdings on a semi-annual basis.
The Davis Fundamental ETF Trust is an investment company that offers a range of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) focused on fundamental investment principles. The company’s investment approach is centered around identifying undervalued companies with strong long-term growth potential. With a commitment to in-depth research and analysis, Davis Fundamental ETF Trust aims to provide investors with opportunities for capital appreciation over time.
For more information on the Davis Fundamental ETF Trust and its investment offerings, please visit their official website at https://davisetfs.com/. Investors and stakeholders can access detailed information about the company’s ETF products, investment strategies, and performance metrics on their website.
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Davis Fundamental ETF Trust (0001670310) Files NPORT-P Form with SEC